Saturday, October 11


I love being home. My mom was so happy to greet me when i walked through the door. She is such a sweety. The first thing she said was, "Oh wow! Did you grow? My baby looks so tall," followed by a, "You look skinny, let me feed you." That was when she sat me down and fed me bun rieu. I can't complain when there is yum food. It took me 4 hours to get home. 2 hours in i realized why there was countless stop and go traffic. The big UT/OU game is this weekend at Dallas stadium. That was a no brainer. There were tons of orange flags hanging on every car window. Dis-gu-sting. Oh, chuckles. On my way home, i kept accidentally poking myself in the eye. I was trying to find ways to keep myself awake, so i started to wave my arms around and such. For some reason, my fingers kept ending up in my eye. MODED.

Today, it was mommy-daughter day. What did we do? Shop! In preparation for NY, i bought boots. Lame excuse, i know. But they are so pretty...and practical! There i go rationalizing my buy. Besides the fact that they were a little on the pricey side, i still lovers them a lot. We left around 11 in the morning and came home around 5.30. We wasted hour in Dallas, though. When i started my car, a blinky thing came up that said, "low tire." So we drove up to the Mini of Dallas for them to check it out. Apparently, all i had to do was check my tire's air pressure. They could've told me on the phone when i called. That would've saved me time and gas. Gah. So my mom pities older sister a lot, so she kept talking about how we need to keep her in mind when we buy things. Then, she calls up OS and hands the phone over to me so i can chit-chat. The lovely thing complains in my ear about how she wants to go shopping, too. Now that i mention it, i kind of miss her. Although she's a pain in my booty, i love fam.

When i got home, LS was waiting for me. She wanted to film a couple of vids for the tube. So we got all our stuff ready to go to the "green, green grass." LS wasn't kidding when she said it was pretty. I didn't even know the pasture even exsisted. We ended up doing a music vid for a turtle song. Before LS can edit, she needs the mp3 though. That might be a little problematic. Filming was very complicated. I endured being bug bait, sinking in mud, and wheezing from over exertion. When we came home, we practically collapsed. Who knew it would be so tiring?

Around 8.30, i hiked my booty over to my grandparent's house to say hi. They are such sweetys. My aunts were still there, too. They were all sitting on the kitchen floor painting their nails, so i joined them. One of my aunts mentioned that i looked fat and that i should loose a couple of pounds. MODED (for the second time)! I can never win with my family. So what if i'm no longer 95 lbs? I like food too much.

I'm going to start watching what i eat and start exercising more. It's all that taco bell, i say.

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Blogger hahamysocks said...

sounds like an awesome fall break.
atleast more exciting then mine.

you poke you eyes to keep yourself awake? i pinch myself; hard enough to leave nail marks

you're going to NY? thats awesome! i want to go there soon. i havent been there in a really long time =|

haha so you guys did actually go film at the green field eh? i cant wait to see that vid!

October 12, 2008 at 12:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pish posh! i still say you is not fat... if you loose weight there maybe no you... you're going to disappear and be nothing ToT!

and i see you in NY hopefully! make plan women! and that does not mean buy more shoes lol lova ya <3

October 12, 2008 at 5:22 PM  

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